We love a good do-it-yourself (DIY) project—especially one that can increase the value of a home with little investment. What we don’t love is committing to a project we think will only take an afternoon to complete, but ends up consuming our entire summer. Avoid a DIY disaster by effectively evaluating all the steps involved in completing a renovation or home improvement job correctly.

If you’re looking for a home project to get started on, here are five that you can confidently roll up your sleeves for and conquer. We’ve also highlighted a couple of projects you should definitely leave to the professionals!

Refresh with paint

One of the easiest ways to update your home is to give it a fresh coat of paint. You can save yourself a lot of money by…

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Today, June 20th, is the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer in Edmonton. What better time to share 6 of my favourite summer patios? Based almost entirely in Central Edmonton, we have some of the best people-watching patios to cool down on a hot summer's day. 

Grab a few friends, catch a few rays, drink a few cocktails, and enjoy!

Enjoyed the infographic? Don't hesitate to let me know on my Twitter, Facebook, Contact page, or call me, Chris Proctor, at 780-709-0811, and perhaps we can talk real estate on one of these patios!

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Image via Avenue Edmonton

Voted Edmonton’s second best neighbourhood by Avenue Magazine, Oliver is one of the oldest residential neighbourhoods in the city, and with more than 19,000 residents, it is also Edmonton’s most densely populated neighbourhood.

Early on in its development, Oliver was considered the city’s “West End,” but was later renamed after pioneer citizen, Frank Oliver. As Edmonton expanded, the neighbourhood of Oliver underwent significant redevelopment. Today, it is well-known for its diversity, vibrancy, and pedestrian-friendly environment, and is also a relatively young neighbourhood, with 20 to 29 making up its largest demographic (29%).

According to the city’s Oliver Area Redevelopment Plan, over the next 10 to 15 years,…

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Once again, we’re seeing seasonal market improvements in areas, and a very slight drop year to year. First, with single family detached homes, sales were up 19.3% from April, AND up 3.8% year over year, with just over 1100 selling in May. Condo sales were up 5.3% month to month, showing seasonal gains, but were down 18.2% year to year. In total, there were 1771 sales in the Edmonton CMA, which is up 18% from April and down less than 1% year to year. 

“Consumer confidence amongst home buyers in Edmonton and surrounding areas remains strong and is reflected by increased unit sales in the single family detached and duplex/rowhouse categories,” REALTORS® Association of Edmonton Chair Steve Sedgwick said. “Relative to other markets in Alberta,…

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