Vibrant Life in Belgravia

Want to find a place in the middle of everything? Belgravia might be the ideal Edmonton community. This archetypical residential neighbourhood has a long history as a former stop on the Radial Railway, but today it's served by more modern transportation in the form of the LRT. Bounded by the woods along the North Saskatchewan River, 114 Street NW and the University of Alberta's primary campus, this is an awesome spot to find a property.

More Than 100 Years of Community History

Belgravia dates back to 1912 when developers first drew naming inspirations from one of London's upscale regions. Unlike some mature neighbourhoods, however, this region never stagnated: As time passed, new developments imbued it with a pervasive architectural character that persists to this day in the form of the unique luxury homes that account for almost three-fourths of the dwellings. The remainder of the properties are urbane condos, but crowding clearly isn't an issue since the majority of the residences house less than three people.

Belgravia is close to McKernan, Parkallen, Windsor Park, and Grandview Heights.

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$700,000 - $800,000 $800,000 - $900,000 Over $1,000,000
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Thriving Access and Freedom

What does being so close to the river mean for locals? It's all about getting to do as one pleases. For instance, golf courses, the Edmonton Valley Zoo, ski clubs, equestrian parks and walking trails are only minutes away, yet one's also not too far from shopping, bars and multicultural cuisine.

This neighbourhood is also right within earshot of downtown. With the Saskatchewan River acting as a natural boundary, however, residents don't have to feel like they're constantly being oppressed by traffic or noise just because they depend on vital Edmonton services.

Belgravia Community Resources

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