A Community of Affluence in Aspen Gardens

As a city grows, so too do the needs of its populace. Aspen Gardens is a contemporary response to changing attitudes and perspectives in Edmonton, and it naturally attracts those who love progressive communities of refined taste. Since the 1960s, it's served as a particularly sought-after venue for those in search of something traditionally upscale yet different from the norm.

The Fruits of a Luxury Boom

From the beginning, this community moved away from the high-density trends that one might encounter in many other areas of the city. By favouring single-family residences and apartment-style condos of limited heights, developers created a specialized enclave that respects people's need for personal space and avoids the overbearing tendencies of most urban architecture. Today, Aspen Gardens stands out by having 95 percent of its residences owner-occupied, offering two public schools and maintaining facilities like an outdoor rink and community hall.

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More About Aspen Gardens Real Estate

Undeniable Maturity

One of the nicest aspects of Aspen Gardens is that it's easy to forget that one's living in Canada's fifth-biggest municipality. Mature vegetation, well-manicured lawns and a high prevalence of sidewalks make this peaceful region walkable, and lots with large yards, fences and detached garages make it effortless to find housing that doesn't feel cramped.

Known for its regional wealth, Aspen Garden is all about giving back to the community and getting to know friendly neighbours. With large parks, access to shopping and ski clubs via 119 Street NW, and the Whitemud Creek Ravine nearby, this is an idyllic example of the way life in suburban Edmonton should be.

Aspen Gardens Community Resources

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